IFA Social Sector Task Force to Launch Mentor Network


The Board of Directors of the International Franchise Association established the Social Sector Task Force to explore leveraging the methods used in commercial franchising to benefit organizations serving the most vulnerable people in the world. Social sector franchising is the application of commercial franchising concepts to achieve socially beneficial ends. Social sector franchising has been used in areas of health and other product and service distribution and has created opportunities for local entrepreneurs to deliver a variety of products and services in underserved communities worldwide. The IFA Social Sector Task Force believes that IFA members can provide meaningful and needed advisory assistance to the devoted efforts of social sector franchisors and franchisees to expand their reach and enhance the quality of their services. Though these social franchise systems often operate in uniquely challenging circumstances, the goal of creating franchise organizations that can consistently provide consumers a sustainable level of quality products and services is a common goal every franchisor shares. Coupled with the principles of franchising management, your support and talent can provide to social franchisors and franchisees life changing and often life-saving impact. With this idea in mind, the IFA Social Sector Task Force is creating a mentor network. Social Sector Task Force Mentors will share their knowledge of and experience in franchising with social sector franchisor management and franchisees. The Social Sector Task Force invites you to apply to become a mentor. Task Force Chair and Managing Director of MSA Worldwide, Michael Seid expressed “Applying the power of franchising to creating solutions and delivering quality products and services to the poor worldwide is a journey that is long overdue. I and the other members of the IFA Social Sector Task Force are excited to make it with you.” To learn more, visit the Social Sector Task Force’s new site www.socialsectorfranchising.org. To apply to become a mentor, please click here.
